planetary habitability 뜻
- 행성 거주가능성 행성 거주가능성
- planetary: adjective, 혹성의, 방랑하는, 부정한,
- habitability: noun,
- planetary: adjective, 혹성의, 방랑하는, 부정한, 지상의
- habitability of binary star systems: 쌍성계의 생명체 거주가능성
- habitability of natural satellites: 위성 거주가능성
- habitability of red dwarf systems: 적색왜성계의 생명체 거주가능성
- planetary atmospheres: 행성의 대기
- planetary boundaries: 지구 위험 한계선
- planetary core: 핵 (행성)
- planetary differentiation: 행성 분화
- planetary geology: 행성지질학
- planetary health: 지구보건
- planetary migration: 행성 이동
- planetary nebula: 행성상 성운
- planetary nebulae: 행성상성운
기타 단어
- "planetary atmospheres" 뜻
- "planetary boundaries" 뜻
- "planetary core" 뜻
- "planetary differentiation" 뜻
- "planetary geology" 뜻
- "planetary health" 뜻
- "planetary migration" 뜻
- "planetary missions program office" 뜻
- "planetary nebula" 뜻
- "planetary differentiation" 뜻
- "planetary geology" 뜻
- "planetary health" 뜻
- "planetary migration" 뜻